where i’m at

I am writing this and sending it out at a time where I’m feeling pretty low, but I think part of the process to becoming a great artist is to be real.

I am starting over from scratch in so many areas. I am trying to figure out what I want to say with my art. I am trying to make a living with my art form. I recently had a relationship end. I am observing the slow cognitive decline of my grandparents. I am starting from square one in the gym after over a year without strength training. I am trying to figure out how to make friends as an adult when everyone else I know is in a serious long term relationship or married.

It feels dumb as fuck to even be typing this on the internet but documenting a process is the one thing I know to do. I intend to write a monthly update like this going forward to catalog how things are going if for no other reason than to see how things change over time for my own sake… but the reason I am doing this publicly is for anyone else that cares to follow along.


July ‘24 Photo Work Summary


I started shooting video again.